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Largest City In The Countrys Northwest

  1. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Inan submitted a new resource:

    Coldwater - Hot City In Cold Water :-P

    Read more about this resource...
    Drazicdesign likes this.
  2. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Thank you all for your 5 star reviews and the nice things you mentioned. Thank you @solo for all your nice acknowledgements. You and @kipate are the only one who reviewed all my 13 cities so far i think. I took some ideas from @Project_Oz, e,g, the cranes i've seen at the pics by you. Very creative idea! Waiting for your CJ!

    I just want to reply regarding three things:
    1. I agree with the argument of the too small distance between landing strip and other buildings beside like cranes and having placed too big planes for a small airport like this. I don't agree with the area behind the end of the landing strip and the hills (btw...why should the hills beside disturb?). It doesn't matter when starting and landing is only allowed in the other direction. There is the same issue with the small airport of my home town. And regarding the turnaround. Yes, the taxiway is not reaching until the very end of the runway, but it was game-related not possible due to the underpass of the runway. Nonetheless there are just missing some meters.
    2. I don't know whats the problem with the wakefield bay... It is intentionally a basic area, not that highlighted. Quaywalls, 3 marinas and the highway along the hills. I do not understand whats wrong with the roadcourse.
    3. We have to consider that there are two densely populated areas on each shore of the strait. With only one bridge there is a traffic jam forever. I agree that on this map - for esthetic reasons - the Mendelsohn (red) bridge is the best place for a bridge-location. But the second bridge crossing the strait is appropriate of course... and to me it looks really good at this location.

    I think my cities got inflationary... At least for me the reviews felt a bit like "you could do better". But there are always things to improve in every city, you are right in this point. But nonetheless i like lots of areas in Coldwater, the most important thing for me is the overall impression and the cityscape that the city conveys.
    Project_Oz likes this.
  3. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Hi, I'm sorry if I upset you, I don't speak english well and maybe I didn't use the right words or my point of view about the bridge it would have been better to write it here and not in the review. You are my model no. 1 on how to build cities, you influenced me the most.
    Inan likes this.
  4. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    No no, i am not upset. Different opinions are good. We are just talking about the positions of bridges, not a biggie... Thx for the review, what was a nice one. You can say everything in a review. And thank you for the nice words and the praises, nice i can inspirate a bit
    Project_Oz likes this.
  5. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Seems like there is a misunderstanding: Even if an airplane can land only when approaching from the port area, there still has to be a possibility to "go around" (Go-around - Wikipedia), e.g. when the pilot thinks that he cannot land the plane safely. And in such a case, the hills do matter, as they restrict maneuvering. I mean, not every landing occurs at sunshine, and sometimes there may be wind shear. That's what I meant with "turn around". And it was rather meant with respect to the hills across the bay, but I think I didn't make it clear.

    There IS nothing wrong with Wakefield Bay, it's your realization. It was just a thought that this bay area could develop into a more densely populated one. I mean, you have like "hundreds" of high-rises and skyscrapers everywhere, but not in that bay; was just a bit surprising.

    I personally like that second bridge (the Monty bridge), and it yields nice nighttime screenshots (y)

    Regarding your point of inflation, I don't think that's the case. What I will say is that your aim on the overviews at parts (unintentionally) shifts the focus away from each city's speciality. I noticed that at Fort Cohen. I mean, it has the "fort" in its name, but the fort itself rarely is in the center of your overview images. Also, the angles are oftentimes the same. I mean, it's the first impression that counts after all, not? Regarding Coldwater, what about a nice ground level shot showing each side of the bay and the Mendelsohn bridge in the center? :) And yeah, I do think that your journals deserve more attention, and it's annoying that only a few people reviewed it so far. It's not like they have better things to do at the moment...
    Inan likes this.
  6. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    @kipate Ich schreib auf deutsch, weils eh wurscht ist...
    Ich glaub, grade das europäisch designte Fort Cohen wäre eine Stadt für die Top 7 oder so gewesen, hätte ich Sie 2015 oder 2016 oder vl sogar noch 2017 gepostet, als noch einige Leute Reviews gegeben haben. Vor allem wenn da noch zusätzlich Photoshop dabei gewesen wäre... Das Fort hat einen eigenen Spoiler in den Updates. Die CJs kriegen halt allesamt keine Aufmerksamkeit mehr, die paar User, die noch online sind, holen sich nur mods. Aber das wusste ich natürlich, als ich Coldwater erstellt habe. Es ging mir gar nicht mehr unbedingt um die Reviews, wollte nur die Zeit und die Motivation in der Coronakrise nutzen und das Ergebnis hier auf XLN mitteilen. Übrigens waren meine letzten 3 Städte Port Hanson, Fort Cohen und Coldwater von der Qualität her ganz und gar nicht schlecht, allesamt sogar eigentlich ziemlich ansprechend für den Mainstream. Vl wärens sogar Kandidaten für die Top 5-10 gewesen, wären die ganzen Reviewer noch online. Arenzano hat ja seit dem Update vor kurzem nur ein einziges Review dazubekommen....Viel zu wenig. Anderlecht ist nur 10ter...

    Mit inflationär meinte ich eigentlich, dass man in Coldwater über die Position von Brücken diskutieren muss und ob die zweite Brücke überhaupt nicht schon überflüssig ist... Will keinen Vergleich ziehen mit zb Malbourne, aber da hat auch keiner gesagt, dass nur eine Brücke über den Fluss führt oder die highway intersections zu wenig Deko haben.
    kipate likes this.
  7. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    can you post a picture of your road layouts at night?
    Inan and kipate like this.
  8. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    yes. Wanna take some more screenshots for an update later on.
    Project_Oz likes this.
  9. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hey :)
    Ich denke, dass viele Städte mehr Aufmerksamkeit in 2015 bekommen hätten :D
    Und ja, ich sehe, dass das Fort auch seinen eigenen Raum erhalten hat. Aber: von der Konzeption des CJs her gefällt mir Cuva Cavelio immer noch besser. Du hast allein innerhalb des ersten ursprünglichen Spoilers (ohne die bearbeiteten Fotos) viele verschiedene Perspektiven gezeigt und den Fokus auch auf Details gelegt. Das vermisse ich bei den neueren CJs ein wenig. Ich müsste mich halt durchklicken durch die Spoiler :D

    Und schlecht ist keines deiner CJs. Es war komplett ehrlich gemeint, als ich etwa dein Autobahnetz in Port Hanson so stark hervorgehoben und gelobt habe. Es stimmt, der Community ist ein wenig der Wind aus den Segeln genommen worden. Aber reines Jammern wird nie helfen. Ich hab die Leute oft genug gemahnt, dass sie auch selbst Initiative ergreifen müssen, aber der Wille dazu muss auch vorhanden sein.

    Ich bin eigentlich ganz zufrieden mit Arenzanos Platzierung :) Top Ten mit einer Stadt, die vielleicht zu einem Viertel fertig ist :D

    Okay, jetzt verstehe ich, was du meinst :LOL: Naja, sei doch froh, auf die Weise wird immerhin über dein CJ diskutiert :D Und Malbournes Verkehrswege damals infrage zu stellen wäre infam gewesen, Blasphemie :p
  10. Ricardo Silva de Aquino

    Apr 1, 2020
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    five stars... Rio de Janeiro, city of my Brazil... Great Map...
    Love this city
    Inan likes this.
  11. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Thank you! Indeed Rio is a spectacular and varied map with the best natural area of all maps. I am happy having found a way to integrate the sugarleaf mountain into the city. I deleted the statue of christ the redeemer, because this one is too prominent and striking to build it elsewhere. Like the Eiffeltower, it can't stand elsewhere than in Paris. Thanks for the review and the 5 stars.
  12. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    kipate likes this.
  13. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Fantastic update, I love the new perspectives!!
    Inan likes this.
  14. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    excellent update, especially night pictures. Thanks for the street layout, I still don't understand how you manage to have green traffic with so many intersections?!?
    Inan likes this.
  15. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    This is only the passenger capacity map, not the traffic map. The street layout is shown best that way.
    Project_Oz likes this.
  16. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    I'm just watching a documentary about Andrew Wakefield... I didn't know this person before, and that same name of a district in Coldwater was just a coincidence. I don't want to get in any connection with this man and his thinking, if anyone believed it. I changed the districts name in Satesing.

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