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Kazan Cathedral in SPB

Discussion in 'Projects' started by Immort_al, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. MuxLee

    MuxLee Executive

    Aug 25, 2014
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    oh go on then
    javier likes this.
  2. MuxLee

    MuxLee Executive

    Aug 25, 2014
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    the big "arch " pieces are difficult to place . they don't snap to the road

    all the others are ok ... it would be good if they were no collision versions too

    its a good mod apart from those bits
  3. Kitsunebi

    Kitsunebi Governor

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I don't like no collision versions as you are limited to 45° angles and sometimes this doesn't fit the road pattern... the curved parts are indeed a bit tricky - I had to check the original building for the right way to put them together but I think it doesn't have to be exactly like the real one and you can build many different variations with this pack :) plus it just looks AWESOME!
  4. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Are they just no collision, or is it just small collision reduced to 1,1?
  5. Kitsunebi

    Kitsunebi Governor

    Aug 27, 2014
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    The curved parts and some other parts are small collision and the main building is just normal without reduced collision ^^ erm except parts 5 and 6 ;)
  6. MuxLee

    MuxLee Executive

    Aug 25, 2014
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    well you can place them so they overlap and they will "grow" into each other not sure if its NC
  7. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I did a test construction of this beauty and it was tough figuring out without instructions. The left side of this building is easier to construct than the right side because pieces snap together better. I also found this to be the case with the Admiralteystvo building, things snapped together better on the left when long from the road. I built the palace twice and did better on the second attempt. I took a picture and turned it into a short slideshow so you can see results.

    I start with the gate since it's attached to the road. I use the 3M small path to make all paths. I centered gate on second attempt better as I built path first. Viewing from road is how I'll base all directions. The fence snaps nicely to the gate on the left, not so on the right. After spinning it around I was able to finally get it to snug up to the right side though not really snap into place. Still it was very snug. I was able to snap piece 9 easily to the left-side fence. Piece 9M wouldn't snap to the right-side fence thus creating a small gap. You can barely see it in slideshow.

    Then piece 8 snaps in nicely on the left to piece 9 after flipping it around to face correctly. Piece 8M wouldn't snap into place even though it didn't require flipping. The reason was piece 9M was a little too far to the right so where it should have fit in it collided with piece 9M. I had to move it a space to the right leaving a more noticeable gap which you'll see in the slideshow. On the left piece 7 snapped perfectly into 8 and piece 7M snapped perfectly into place to 8M. Then I could lay down paths along the sides of pieces 7 and 7M connected to the road. I also could place the path along pieces 8 and 8M as you did in your picture.

    Now it gets tricky. I laid down path connecting ends of pieces 7 and 7M going from right to left. I found out that then placing the next two pieces was rather difficult. Pieces 5 and 6 snap to the road from the wrong side. That makes placing them very difficult at this stage. I then have to delete paths around where I'll place those two buildings so the snap point isn't snapping the wrong way or direction. I can then place piece 6, the one on the left side, close to building 7 and get it oriented in the proper direction. I wish the snap point is on the other end so I can keep my paths and snap building into corner tightly. I then repeat process along right side with piece 5. That allows me to then draw another path beyond the ends of those two buildings to establish the snap points for the buildings going from right to left.

    Here's where it gets tricky as I've learned to work from one side to another, in this case from left to right since everything snapped together better on that side. I could then delete pieces 5 and 6 as piece 4 just didn't snap to the rooflines properly. I could then rebuild pieces 5 and 6 to get them to line up the rooflines perfectly to piece 4. Unfortunately this leaves a bigger gap than in your picture as those two buildings drift upwards a little to fit rooflines. I had tried initially to build from both sides to the middle but always had a gap in the middle when placing pieces 2-4 along the sides and then piece 1 in the middle. If pieces 5 and 6 snap from other end they'll line up better with the paths and buildings 7 and 7M. Plus it avoids rebuilds if piece 4 snaps into place with the roofline on both sides better. That sets up the rest of the buildings in the middle better.

    I was able to match building paths along the back side of pieces 1-4 on both sides, as you did. However you can see on the right side piece 5 comes in a little too far to the left so I couldn't run that inside path along the building properly as I could on the left. I was able to delete the paths connecting to the road on the sides so that the only path I needed to connect to the road was the one at the gate. For those of us who want good traffic function less intersections is better, especially pedestrian intersections. I didn't decorate since this is a test build and I wanted you to see problems I faced better.

    I always build my roads first and then build my buildings off of them. That's why I start at the gate. For this and the Admiralteystvo building pieces snapped to the center piece nicely on the left but not on the right side. That's why I had a gap in my Admiralteystvo building on the right side on the inside piece and along the outside piece next to the road. Getting both sides to snap into place perfectly would really help to allow us to build them to fit properly.

    Looks beautiful to be sure. I also calculated out how much the entire buildings costs, 15 pieces costing 3,700 C each for a total of 55,500 C per month. Plus I had to build a lot of worker housing to get each piece properly staffed. I hope the benefit will be worth such a huge cost, hopefully they'll produce something useful like Offices instead of just leisure or landmark. I like how you did the Admiralteystvo building to produce some office resource.

  8. secpol

    secpol Governor

    Oct 11, 2014
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    @OmniusPrime, ты скоро Войну и мир Толстого перепишешь, а питер класный город, не от одного города так трупами не шманит!
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  9. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    @OmniusPrime, u started placing it in wrong direction. First thereis a a need to place a part 5 along the path, then parts 3, 2, 4, 1, 4, 2, 3 and then 6. After in a dictance of 5m path from the back and inner edge of parts 5 and 6 put along 90' path part 7 and 8, and then part 9 on the path placed along 8 parts. It will be better for understanding when i make a guide on picture.

    @kipate all parts have a normal colission except of parts 9, gate and 5 and 6 they have collision allowing to put them in right possition.

    @secpol each one has his one Spb, для меня это прежде всего имперская столица с архитектурными ансамблями и площадями, законсервированная и немного утратившая свой блеск!
    kipate and OmniusPrime like this.
  10. secpol

    secpol Governor

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Для меня Питер это криминал, в высшей его форме проявления, я помню ваших братков, особенно тамбовских, из девяностых)
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  11. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Теперь у нас есть новые бандиты, Путин и Трамп, разрушая наши красивые города в наших странах. Давайте надеяться, что у нас есть больше мира, чем война
    secpol likes this.
  12. secpol

    secpol Governor

    Oct 11, 2014
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    @OmniusPrime, красиво сказанул, как авторитет))
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  13. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Many thanks for new instructions. It looks like I got the building order mixed up along the top row. My biggest problem is piece 9M not snapping to fence on right side. That causes piece 8M to not snap to it, creating a gap. Until I get that solved trying to use piece 5 for an anchor building doesn't work because it is off center. I was already thinking of a 5 meter path between buildings 5 and 6 and 7 and 7M.

    Большое спасибо за новые инструкции. Похоже, что я перепутал строительный заказ вдоль верхнего ряда. Моя самая большая проблема - часть 9M не хватающий, чтобы фехтовать на правой стороне. Это заставляет часть 8M не хватать к нему, создавая промежуток. Пока я не добираюсь, что решенная попытка использовать часть 5 для якорного здания не работает, потому что это от центра. Я уже думал о 5-метровом пути между зданиями 5 и 6 и 7 и 7M.
  14. secpol

    secpol Governor

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Воевать мы точно не будем, особенно за их банки, корпорации, их состояния, сколоченные воровством у своих сограждан, дураков больше нет!
    OmniusPrime and kipate like this.
  15. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Воровство и коррупция богатыми и жадный будут стоить нам всем. 20 января 2017 это станет намного хуже, поскольку самый коррумпированный человек в мире приводит мою страну к гибели.
    secpol likes this.
  16. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Are you sure piece 9 doesn't have normal collision? I think it's piece 9M. Piece 9M is my nemesis piece, along with 8M. This time I used 5 meter paths as you suggested. However I once again built it backwards because piece 9 snaps to the fence which snaps nicely to the gate. So I built pieces 9, 8 and 7 first so I could set up the 5 meter paths. I then had to build piece 6 to get a good idea where the long path goes that the first 4 building pieces snap to. I placed the buildings in the correct order this time along the top. You can see my paths run nicely along both sides of the building complex this time.

    I built building 5 to set up inner path for building 7M's outer path. Then piece 8M snaps in nicely. once I establish paths so it will snap into the corner perfectly. After deleting the path where piece 9M would want to go I then run into trouble. Piece 9M just won't snap into piece 8M no matter what and that's my biggest problem. This time I had a 3-4 meter gap between 8M and 9M but was able to run 9M a little into the fence so I had no gap there.

    I wish pieces from front gate snapped together nicely on both sides. That would ensure a proper fit along each side. If only we had a fence M piece that snaps to the right side of the gate the way the left does. Then 9M snaps to the new fence M and 8M snaps to 9M. The same way those pieces snap together on the left side. I can never get 8M and 9M to snap together properly. They always gives me a gap between them.

    You'll see I did better but I still have that annoying gap between 8M and 9M. Otherwise everything else fits nicely with 5 meter paths. I even decorated a little to make it prettier.

  17. MuxLee

    MuxLee Executive

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Am I on his ignore list ???? strange he never replies , don't know what I ve done to him
  18. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Sorry, I didn't see that u ask me something.
    I don't have any willpower or extra time to make nocolision version, but I would raise no objection if someone makes no collision addition
    MuxLee and OmniusPrime like this.
  19. ЗуБР

    ЗуБР Vagabond

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Бля , политота портит всё !!! и Идиоты со всех сторон ((( что с погони что с сга-
    любить нужно свою страну и землю , а не президентов !!! Сори за то что не сдержался
    Immort_al Спасибо за крутой великолепный мод
  20. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I hope you make it so that pieces 8M and 9M snap together properly, just like pieces 8 and 9 do. I've tried many times to get them to fit together but they never do. I just use some very flat terrain to test build them on and only build those two pieces trying to get them to fit together. Different angles and not on roads, just trying to fit those two pieces together. Either they collide with about 2-3 meters of the ends overlapping or they set apart by 3-4 meters. I can't find a way to slide either piece like I can the gate or the fence when flipped over to slide along a road.

    If you're going to give these pieces retail resources be careful since retail has such low demand in XXL. I hope they'd give us office resources, always can use that or trade it.

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