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Kazan Cathedral in SPB

Discussion in 'Projects' started by Immort_al, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Parts 8m and 9m are just mirrored copy of parts 9 and 8, they should behave themselves in the game absolutely similar, to fit it properly the terrain should be flat and the angle in a crossroad should be exactly 90, to put road in that angle u should use 8 direction road.
    I'm going to make a main line work as privite company selling leisure resourses. The 1 floor parts should work as holliday hotels, retails and offices as in real life in our time.
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  2. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I always make 90 degree roads, I'm very skilled at making sure that the road lines are blue instead of green. I make a grid with all main roads being set to match the 4 main directions from the very beginning. The terrain is flat as a pancake as we say in the USA. Pieces 8M and 9M do not behave in the same manner as 8 and 9, if so I wouldn't have any problem connecting them properly as I do every other piece in the set. Pieces 8M and 9M just don't want to connect properly, they either collide or leave a gap, I can't slowly sneak one piece up to the other. I have noticed a few other commenters having the same problem.

    Leisure is vastly overdone in XXL so that will hardly make a difference. I do like that it will produce holiday and office resources since those are useful and can be traded. You have to be careful about creating retail because the retail demand is too low in XXL. Ask Monty, I remember he made a leisure mod for XL that created retail but changed it to just produce leisure because it created too much retail resource. XL even had mods that helped increase retail demand, and I found that they also work that magic in XXL. However most won't have them so be careful about creating too much retail resource with 15 buildings.

    It would also be helpful if you placed the piece number in the actual piece characteristics information screen so that once placed we can always look to see the piece number after placement on the map, something that we can't see now. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed mod so I can build it in my Monterey city and show it off in a video.
    BahadirB likes this.
  3. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Okay I found a solution. I did another test by placing piece 8M to connect to piece 9 and they fit perfectly, although piece 8M faces the wrong way. I tried connecting piece 8 to 9M but they would not fit together no matter what. So piece 9M is the problem, it does not behave like piece 9 when trying to connect to the end where 8M is supposed to go.

    I kept thinking about collision tolerance and decided to search out a collision fix mod. I found the CollisionBoxTolerance 1.1 2015-11-21 by vampiro in the Cheats and Changes section of XXL mods. I decided to use the ExtraFine version and found that I now can fit piece 8M to 9M easily. By chance are you already using this handy mod? Could that be why you were able to fit them together so easily while I and a few others couldn't? This mod should be a part of your instructions so that players who aren't using it and are having problems getting pieces 8M and 9M to fit together properly will know that there is a mod that will fix that problem.

    I hope you place this fine mod under Landmarks, I'm going to type it into my rather lengthy list of mods along with that CollisionBoxTolerance mod so I only have to renumber my list once.
  4. secpol

    secpol Governor

    Oct 11, 2014
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    @Immort_al, где ты там застрял с Екатериной, я конечно собирать ансамбль не буду, хочу посмотреть, как ты статуи вписал в максе.

    @OmniusPrime, ты прирождённый писатель трагикомедик:D
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  5. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Думаю что во вторник выложу, не могу с кодом разобраться, здания не приносят доход.
    Я не включал статуи в мод (или ты имеешь ввиду лепнину) атлантов сделал довольно примитивно, дабы не приумножить количество треугольников.
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  6. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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  7. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Out of curiosity which side of the Catherine Palace is the front? Is it the gate or Building 1? If you were to start it on a road which part would you place first along the road?

    Congrats on getting this beauty finished! I watched the building video and think you build it backwards. I start with the gate thinking that's the front that belongs along a road. I still have problems with 8M and 9M fitting together, they just do not. I can get 8M to fit to 9 just fine, although facing in the wrong direction.

    I'm getting ready to build the section of my city where this is going but have to finish another section and video before finishing up. When I build The Catherine Palace for real I'll do it my way and show it in video with my mod fix that will allow me to fit 8M and 9M perfectly.
  8. Kitsunebi

    Kitsunebi Governor

    Aug 27, 2014
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    The gate and the big staircase of the central building part have to be the "front". All the royal and imperial palaces of that time were built as a sign of power and money. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sch%C3%B6nbrunn_Palace in Vienna, Charlottenburg Palace - Wikipedia in Berlin, and many others were modeled after the impressive Palace of Versailles - Wikipedia. All of the European monarchs wanted to be like the big "Sun King" Louis XIV with his absolute power over his nation.

    A gate like this of Catherine Palace was incredibly expensive. You wanted to show your wealth and power to any visitor from the moment they could see your palace. First they were of course impressed by the size of your palace and while getting closer to the main building they would be able to discover more and more details. Imagine entering through that kind of gate - you know you'll be with rich and famous ;)

    To the mod: I think it would be really nice to make a little tutorial. There are so many parts and if someone wants to create the original Catherine Palace, some guide is needed :D I think I got it right but I had to check pictures and google maps all the time.. and I didn't notice a problem with 8M and 9M - maybe I should have a look again ^^
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  9. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I thought the gate would be the front entrance, as you say make the gate impressive to show off wealth and power. Dang am I one of the only ones not having a problem fitting pieces 8M and 9M together? They either collide or leave a gap, yet I can fit piece 8M to 9. Well I'm going to build this from the gate backwards to the main palace buildings and show off a mod that helps me fit pieces 8M and 9M together perfectly.
  10. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    @Kitsunebi, In first version of this palace the main entrance was in the part 5, but for simmetry in front of the main line of palace was build 1 floor building using as kitchens and houses for servants. After a while the main entrance was moved to the part 1. And if u asking me where is front side of palace I would say it was thought the side with big stair case which should look to the square made by 1 floor building and the Gate. But because the gate located in the middle of other royal park the gate isn't used as the main entrance since of the end of 18th century.
    Did u try my video tutorial how to build original shape of palace?
    @OmniusPrime as u can see in my video tutorial is better to start with part 5 or 6, but nit with the gate and when u start with part5 u shouldn't have any proplem with part 8 and 9 neither 8m and 9m.
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  11. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I seriously doubt that starting with piece 5 will make any difference in being able to fit pieces 8M and 9M together. They just do not fit on my PC, not sure why. I never have problems with pieces 8 and 9. I can even fit piece 8M to 9 easily. I have found that the CollisionBoxTolerance mod with the extra fine placement does allow me to fit those pieces together. Are you already using that mod? Could explain why you're not having a problem fitting those two pieces together. When I do my video next week you'll be able to see the problem with those two pieces.

    Thanks for giving us a little info on where main entrance is. Perhaps I'll build building 1 along my road and have the gate at the back.
  12. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    no, i dont use this mod
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  13. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    My next project is a beautiful cathedral from Saint-Petersburg - Kazanskiy Cathedral, famous by its colonnade.
    Ernest007, ObelicS, Clemech4 and 8 others like this.
  14. Pepino

    Pepino Mayor

    Sep 15, 2014
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    Wow, another ambitious project! Good luck ;)
  15. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Looks awesome! Will this be another building project or will this be one complete building? I hope it includes that curvy road section in front, that will be hard to replicate with existing roads in game, especially the standard ones.
  16. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    I've decided to divide building for 2 parts:
    - a colonnade
    - the cathedral.
    Principal shapes, which can be used as Lod, 4 are ready.But they do not fit the requirement of numbers of triangles, as i guess whole this mod. Furthermore I wanna use 2048x2048 diffuse map instead of 1024x1024. I hope this will not be affecting on the game performance.
    Sorry, i'm not going to make this curve road because it easier to use some plaza directly in game, though I can think about making a plaza for this cathedral.
  17. secpol

    secpol Governor

    Oct 11, 2014
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    @Immort_al, не слушай их пожелания, ты за бесплатно корячишься, убивая своё личное время, которое мог бы потратить например на заработок денег, на семью или на свою девушку, на друзей, а господам следовало бы потратить немного своего драгоценного времени и узнать сколько стоят 3D модели. Делай как считаешь нужным.
    Lexxa likes this.
  18. Abandon Ship

    Abandon Ship Skilled Worker

    May 27, 2016
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    Awwwe! I cannot WAIT for this! This will be SO cool!
  19. Immort_al

    Immort_al Governor

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Lod 3 of the Cathedral is ready. The next steps is making UVW for channel 2, and trying to keep it for Lod 1 and 2, and if everything will be ok, then it will be time to move to make the colonnade.

    Razox, Lexxa, royb 98 and 4 others like this.
  20. Przyski

    Przyski Executive

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Well...time to demolish parts from my old town to make room for this future masterpiece :whistle:
    BahadirB, Abandon Ship and kipate like this.

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