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SweetFX+Reshade+MasterEffect Preset for XXL 1.0

A shader injector that adds different postprocessing effects to Cities XXL

  1. Monty

    Monty Governor

    Aug 20, 2014
    Likes Received:

    XOUSTE Ambasidor

    Feb 1, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hi Monty
    im sorry that there are some issues while i was installing sweetfx,maybe im not really understand how to install this kind of file ,i haven't used it before...in order to explain my issue clearly i want to tell you every step how i follewed.

    i did as you said in overview:

    1.unzipping the file and then go to ReShade 1.1.0 with SweetFX 2.0 folder,Run ReShade Setup.exe .
    2.Click on Select Game and browse your Cities XXL Installation folder(don't have to launch the game by clicking on the button)
    3.Copy the content of MasterEffect folder inside the Game's installation folder (the same where you installed SweetFX). It will prompt if you want to overwrite a few files (SweetFX's default files), click on OK/YES.

    and then...run the game exe file at the games installation folder(i also tried running the game on steam),after a loading screen and a few seconds later the game suddenly quitted and back to desktop,im pretty sure that i have follewed every steps you mentioned,but i dont know why doesn't it work...
    And i guess i dont understand step 3,Copy the content of MasterEffect folder inside the Game's installation folder (the same where you installed SweetFX) ... i did and all the content of MasterEffect folder has been copied into games installation folder,just copied them and i didnt even create any new folder for it,its that ok? so what cause this promble?
    Alinasama likes this.
  3. Monty

    Monty Governor

    Aug 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I think you did it correctly. The files don't go inside another folder other than the game's. It may crash because of a 3rd party program, like a screen recorder program, programs to optimize game performance and any other program related to graphics. Also it seems trickier to get it work with nVidia video cards.

    You'll find a log file inside the game's installation folder. Check the last error message and you can google it, maybe you can find info about it in the official SweetFX forums.
    XOUSTE likes this.
  4. needspeed17

    needspeed17 Elite

    Aug 11, 2015
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    hi,monty.i found a problem,i install and success.but i press scrolllock it only have some words,and no other changes,i used it in xl 12 QQ截图20161022085903.jpg
  5. Alinasama

    Alinasama Guest

    I also have this problem
  6. Alinasama

    Alinasama Guest

    my game will quit instantly once I startup my game
    My log file is shown below:
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:363 [17440] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' built on '2015-11-07 11:55:53' loaded from "D:\DON'T starve\steamapps\common\Cities XXL\dxgi.dll" to "D:\DON'T starve\steamapps\common\Cities XXL\CitiesXXL.exe" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:620 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d8.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:621 [17440] | INFO | > Delayed.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:621 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:621 [17440] | INFO | > Delayed.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:621 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:622 [17440] | INFO | > Delayed.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:622 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:622 [17440] | INFO | > Delayed.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:622 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:623 [17440] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:624 [17440] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:746 [17440] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s).
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:746 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:747 [17440] | INFO | > Delayed.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:747 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:747 [17440] | INFO | > Delayed.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:747 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:748 [17440] | INFO | > Delayed.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:748 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:748 [17440] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
    17/12/2016 15:08:54:769 [17440] | INFO | > Found 5 match(es). Installing ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:55:072 [17440] | INFO | > Installed 5 hook(s).
    17/12/2016 15:08:55:072 [17440] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2_32.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:55:072 [17440] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
    17/12/2016 15:08:55:075 [17440] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:55:568 [17440] | INFO | > Installed 8 hook(s).
    17/12/2016 15:08:55:569 [17440] | INFO | Initialized.
    17/12/2016 15:08:56:152 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassExW(0019ED50)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:56:152 [17440] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'SPLASH'.
    17/12/2016 15:08:56:160 [17440] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:56:160 [17440] | INFO | > Found 7 match(es). Installing ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:56:160 [17440] | INFO | > Installed 7 hook(s).
    17/12/2016 15:08:56:242 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassW(0019ED54)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:08:56:242 [17440] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'CUClassName'.
    17/12/2016 15:09:05:430 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory1({770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, 075FB9B8)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:05:492 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(08DC0008, 0, 00000000, 0, 0019CBD8, 3, 7, 075FBAF8, 075FBB34, 075FBB38, 0019BB90, 075FBB3C)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:05:556 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(01D98DE0, 0655C730, 075FBAF8, 075FBB34)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:05:564 [17440] | INFO | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 08DB1FD8.
    17/12/2016 15:09:40:078 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(0652C7A0, 1, 1920, 1080, 28, 0x2)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:40:078 [17440] | INFO | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 08DB1FD8.
    17/12/2016 15:09:40:084 [17440] | INFO | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 08DB1FD8.
    17/12/2016 15:09:40:090 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(0652C7A0, TRUE, 01DE2410)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:40:113 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(090B1458, 0, 00000000, 0x80, 0019D76C, 1, 7, 0019D774, 00000000, 00000000)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:40:113 [17440] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain':
    17/12/2016 15:09:40:113 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(090B1458, 0, 00000000, 0x80, 0019D76C, 1, 7, 00000000, 00000000, 0019D774, 00000000, 00000000)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:42:526 [17440] | INFO | Redirecting 'IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(0652C7A0, FALSE, 00000000)' ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:42:526 [17440] | INFO | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 08DB1FD8.
    17/12/2016 15:09:44:372 [17440] | INFO | Exiting ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:44:372 [17440] | INFO | Uninstalling 31 hook(s) ...
    17/12/2016 15:09:45:526 [17440] | INFO | Exited.
  7. needspeed17

    needspeed17 Elite

    Aug 11, 2015
    Likes Received:
    i can get into the game in xxl,but i press scroll lock it just show me some words.it has not a interface so it can work.sorry but if you make some adjust i appreciate it.
  8. BahadirB

    BahadirB Governor

    Jun 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I know Monty is not around here anymore, I suppose, and many have noted similar problems. But I am not able to run this mod, it is probably due to the graphics card, as I was able to use this mod in my previous PC. So fellows of the nation, do you think I could come up with some sort of a solution to benefit from this amazing mod, without messing my game installation?

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