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Transportation USA Road Pack - XXL 1.3


  1. Drazicdesign
    • Cities XXL Community MOD
    Game Version:
    • Cities XXL 2015
    New American Roads Pack version 2.0
    This new pack includes a total of twelve patches.
    Click on the following link and follow the instructions
    Transportation - 1 - USA Road Pack Original

    Drazicdesign - 07.04.2021

    Dependency XXL

    ATTENTION: To use this patch, you must first download the mod following:
    Please note, you must have the latest version

    Cities XXL Community Patch

    XXL NEXL Pedestrian Paths
    XXL NEXL Bicycle Roads
    XXL NEXL Trams
    XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack
    On Road Parking Mod
    USA - Pedestrian Paths 1.0 - XXL

    Warning :
    Not compatible
    Road Addon Mod (RAM)

    Japan Road Texture
    And any other roads mod in connection with American roads

    Place the file . patch in your "mods" folder as shown below
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XXL\Paks\mods
    Warning : The patch "zzz_XLN_XXL_drazic_road_usa_v1.3" must be in your mod folder (not in a subfolder)

    Udapte : XLN_XXL_drazic_road_usa_v1.3

    Road - width of 10 meters:

    Road - width of 15 meters:

    Road - width of 20 meters:


    Road - width of 25 meters:


    Road - width of 30 meters:


    Road - width of 40 meters:


    Road - width of 45 meters:


    Udapte : XLN_XXL_drazic_road_usa_v1.2

    Add the following: (american texture):
    - 1 x american Avenue 2 x 2 lanes with a dike
    - 1 x bridge Avenue 20 meters
    - 1 x template tool 65 meters
    - 3 x american roads with width of : 20 meters

    In the game, use the upgrade to find the roads.







    Video illustrating the construction of an underground highway:

    Enjoy DD, (y)
    Comments are appreciated! :p


    Udapte : XLN_XXL_drazic_road_usa_v1.1

    - Adds an American road with a dike (american texture)




    Udapte : XLN_XXL_drazic_road_usa_v1.0

    - This mod adds 9 american roads (american texture)
    with width of : 15 meters
    with width of : 20 meters

    In the game, use the upgrade to find the roads.




    Also this patch removes the origins streetlights

    and to be replaced with the following:


    Thank you to "Monty" and "Birk le glaire" for their help on the files .sgduminies!
    A big thank you to Altiris, and PaulJChris for its superb tutorial.

Recent Reviews

  1. Samuel Monteiro
    Samuel Monteiro
    Version: 1.3
    Great job. How to put the texture on the highways?
    1. Drazicdesign
      Author's Response
      Thank you for your advice!
      This mod does not change anything on the highway.
  2. Piolo
    Version: 1.3
    Thank you so much Drazic for helping me "Transportation - USA Road Pack - XXL" I really apreciate your works and mods continue doin job and we support you Godbless!!!
  3. Luiz Fernando
    Luiz Fernando
    Version: 1.3
    It's an important addition to game! Improvements are always welcome!
  4. ObelicS
    Version: 1.3
    Amazing mod ! Works perfectly and looks so much better then default ! Another level of traffic beauty :)
  5. Tim Scritchfield
    Tim Scritchfield
    Version: 1.3
    Love all the updates. Thanks for sharing!
  6. es168
    Version: 1.3
    Wow ! Great...must be lot of changes, file size from old 26mb up now to 150mb.
  7. ЗуБР
    Version: 1.2
    only when the American roads in the game?
    1. Drazicdesign
      Author's Response
      Yes, this patch only changes the American roads
  8. ObelicS
    Version: 1.2
    cant w8 to use this mod in my next city :)
    Keep up the good work ! ;)
  9. Anonymous
    Version: 1.2
    Great mod, really! But my Roads and Highways alwys connect the Bridge above! I try many Things, but its always the same. Is there anybody who knows whats the problem? Thanks!!!
  10. Immort_al
    Version: 1.2
    Unbeliavable! This is what all we waited so long! Thanks a lot!