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Tutorial Creating a Basic Light Map in 3dMax2012 2014-08-25

Creating a Basic Light Map in 3dMax2012

  1. Lokentaz
    Version: 2014-08-25
    Very useful. A must-have for modders.
  2. bobqwerty
    Version: 2014-08-25
    Great tutorial. Tips: If your lightmap looks triangulated with 'noise' use the WELDER modifier. If 3ds Max crashes when jumping straight into UVWs deselect the model, then select it again.
  3. moran
    Version: 2014-08-25
    very useful,thank you,and i found that there still some black edges,how to avoid that?
  4. Nogerivan
    Version: 2014-08-25
    very nice tutorial, easy to follow.....
    btw....the read more link is broken...
    1. nicko2u
      Author's Response
      thanks, also IcyHot fixed the broken link. thanks for point that out.
  5. Mr.X²
    Version: 2014-08-25
    great tutorial and extremely usefull