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CJ Port of Rheimn

The Island of Two Worlds

  1. Lesser Known Sights of the Rheimn


    R H E I M N

    There's always something to see and visit at the Rheimn. If you've visited everything, have a look at some of these lesser known destinations.

    [COLOR=rgb(128, 128,...[/FONT]
    Kitsunebi and kipate like this.
  2. L'arc du Gens


    L ' A R C du G E N S

    The arc of the people is home to the city's leisure activities. Currently, it is home to the Cirque de Lambelle for the next 4 months.


    F U...
  3. L'Universite de Tordesillas


    W E L C O M E

    Named after its founder and former ruler of the district, General Tordesillas, the university is the city's center of education and a leading power in matters of the trade.

  4. Leipzig Square & The Place of Consul


    L E I P Z I G & T H E P L A C E OF C O N S U L
    Located at the heart of the Rheimn is home to the city's bureaucratic and major government buildings.


    C A P I T O L

    Leipzig Square

    The Battle of Leipzig...
  5. Siemens District


    S I E M E N S

    During the economic prosperity of 1948, the Siemens corporation bought the city's central business district and turned it into a financial powerhouse. It wasn't until the fall of the Siemens Corporation in 1985 that the CBD was moved to Heurst.


    O L D T O W...
  6. Eastern District of Dornst


    D O R N S T

    The port was originally inhabited by the Uyreans, an ethnic tribe of Mayan ancestry. In the 13th century, an Arabian trade ship captained by the banished prince Haytham and his bride Fayruz settled in the island and established a treaty with the natives to live in together peace. The settlement later grew into the city of...
    Clemech4 and Drazicdesign like this.