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"3d Trial Mods"

Discussion in 'Modding Help Quarter' started by Merrilkl Maddox, May 1, 2015.

  1. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    nickos#2: it depends on the uv-channel you are using. i always use 2nd uv channel for light- and illumination maps, so i can use same materials for lod 1,2 and 3. if you dont use 2nd uv channel then you need one material(ball) for each lod.
    lod4 always needs his own materials.
    (i wanted to cover this stuff in part vi, but actually i stopped working on it :oops:)

    1. here:
    Untitled 2.jpg
    (actually its not necessary to do this, but its better for your own order)

    2. bump and normal maps are the same. by standard they should be visible in viewer. you can check your viewer settings if they are turned off or sth. but however, dont care too much how it looks in viewer, its buggy... just test it ingame for details when you are done

    3. yep they are all correct. (i always use 512x512 for illumination maps, so i can achieve a better nightlight-quality... in my opinion 256x256 is too low for most buildings, but anyway, 256x256 is specifications and fine)
  2. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    1. yeah ha can't remember try it :) it should not really matter.
    2. yeah if using unique/different maps for each lod you really need a new map slot for each lod. If using all same maps for each lod 1,2and 3 you only need to use the one map slot for all LODS. only lod4 needs a new map slot as it uses smaller diffuse and ill maps. L4 only requires dif and ill maps.
  3. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    It didn't matter. Even after the you render, if you save, it simply overwrites the older file.

    Well, the model is complete. I had a little trouble with projecting the textures from l1 to l4 though. It would not work no matter what I did. But I found a walk around that worked fine.

    Last question before I export it to the viewer;
    In the Render to Texture dialog, when you add the element, it adds the element name to the map;
    "b_trs_""_t3_lm_l1LightingMap.png" Does "LightingMap" need to be removed from the end of the file name; "b_trs_""_t3_LM_l1.png" or do I keep it there?

    That's it!! After this, I work on furniture, the xml file, then pack it up.

    Thanks again.
  4. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Just checked, when I deleted the map slots for l2 and 3, and re-applied the maps from l1's map slot, the light maps got fried in 2 and 3. So I assuming that if you are using a basic light map that each lod would need it's own map slot.

    For the record, I assigned the light maps to channel 2. It still bugged when I did it.

    I may be wrong, but it works for me. LOL

  5. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    eRan out of time on my edit. lol

    Anyway, the way I have it worked here are the images from the viewer.
    Lod 4,3,2 and 1
    Only problem is even after editing the light map, it still looks too dark., But oh well, it's my first model in CXL.
    Well, It's actually Mr.X²'s model, I simply barrowed it from him, and fallowed his instructions.

    Here's those images;


    I guess not too bad for the first time. Now that I understand more what's required, I can start putting together some of my own work. LOL

    By the way Mr.X², I checked out the images of your mod you used in this tutorial. Great work, the lighting is real nice. That's my next project, to learn how to add the UV nightlights. And find a way to add transparency.
  6. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    yeah you gotta create 2nd uv channel BEFORE you create lod 1 and 2. requires some planning for faces you will add with these lods... check part vi of my tutorial (the very beginning is explained, so not a lot, but might help you understand). you can find it in my projects thread http://www.mediafire.com/view/hz62ovcs8926n7a/Lets_start_3D_-_Part_VI_--_UNFINISHED.docx

    thanks. for those nightlights check montys tutorial... its not as simple as other stuff but im pretty sure you can do that.
    btw for lod4. i got the same problem as you, the projected diffuse map needs to be lighten up a lot in photoshop/gimp/whatever
  7. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    As you mentioned in the beginning of part IV, you only need the 3 main textures. And considering the way it makes your corners so dark, I probably won't use the light map anyway, not to mention I like the nightlights better.
    Also, I can create my own textures with shadows, ageing, etc. in Gimp or Photoshop, since it seems to be nothing more than an overlay.
  8. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Well, as of now, I have completed the model, finished with the furniture. And I thought it would be tough, only hard part about it is guessing where to place them since you can't see the part your putting down. And I'll know if I got it wrong, my peoples will be walking through walls. :LOL:

    Part V :dm9a: Now the paperwork begins. :dm3:
  9. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Before I start part V, I do have one last thing to do. I need to transfer the .sgbin and .layout files to my other system where I play the game. I hope this works, this system lags like a dog.
  10. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    looks great well done, the viewer always looks bright, their is a light/sun setting in the tools you can adjust. Your transparency should work when yo view it in game.
    L1 -L4 projection can be a bit tricky - can take a few attempts to get it right but worth the effort in the end. yeah if your using different LM/ILL maps they require different map balls. LM must be UVW 2. Though saying that some map all LM to the one texture for all LoDs, if you do that you only require the one map/ball :)
  11. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Well, I got the model done, installed into Cities XL Platinum, but can't find the model. So, I redone the .patch file using another xml file from a train station, didn't work.

    If I'm not mistaken, since I am just now getting really into the game, I need a certain something to unlock the train station, and I don't know what that is. I got one city up to 100,000 people, but still No train stations. I even tried using Mr.X2's fiels to copy mine to, still can't find it.

    Just my luck, I build something, and you can't see if it works it in game without having a major city.

    Getting really frustrated now. I don't mind wasting time doing something like this, but if it don't work, then all I have done is waste time! :bash:
  12. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    it will work! promised :)
    can you post your class file? then we can take a look what may went wrong... you can also set up stuff like unlock conditions there
  13. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    i agree with mrX sounds like a minor issue and will work, first are you playing latest game cities xxl? do you have latest community mod for players patch? also you did copy it to your patch file to your /paks/mods folder.
    also try the cheat menu unlock all buildings.

    If still having issue upload your patch file to sharing file site such as http://www.speedyshare.com/
    PM the persons you want to test it.
  14. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    I think I may have found the problem. Walk away for a bit, and things tend to get a little clearer.

    I was in a hurry, and the Notepad++ file extension was set to .tx, and we all know this won't work. It needed to be set at "All types". I am going back to try it again, we'll see what happens. If it don't work, If you all don't mind, I will send you my class file to take a look at.

    Thanks, Hopefully this works.
  15. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    I got it into the game, and found it, with problems.
    1. My thumbnail image is too big for the frame, about twice the size. It called for 128 x 128, should it be 64x64?
    2. The bad news, the building is invisible. I can see all the furniture, and the animations work just fine, but no building.
    I triple checked all my textures, and checked the model in the viewer. It all looked fine! Any ideas?

    Here is a copy of the class file I used, I used Mr.X2's class file for a template.



    This one is the template;

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

    My folder path is as fallows;

    .class is in - data\design\buildings\construction\trainstation\b_trs_firstmod01_t3_.class

    .Layout is in - data\design\layout\b_service\b_trs_firstmod01_t3_base.layout

    .sgbin is in - data\gfx\building\b_trs_firstmod01_t3_.sgbin

    .dds (icon) is in - data\interface\ddstexture\buildings\b_trs_firstmod01_t3.dds

    Trying something else, be right back.
  16. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    OK, the building is there as you can see in the image below, as I walk forward, I pop up onto the roof
    cxl_screenshot_test _4.jpg cxl_screenshot_test _5.jpg

    The furniture is all here, and as you can see, the few people I added are walking around, on the paths designated for them. So my animation is working.

    cxl_screenshot_test _3.jpg

    The people are not floating, they, the walkway aroung the building is elevated 1m. Also, furniture will take some getting used to, the green light posts are supposed to be benches. LOL And in the image that vender hut was not leaning over, But I know what that was from.

    Well. I am going back to 3dsMax, to check the files again, to make sure all is good, and I will export them over, to see if anything happened. But I think the .class file is ok.as well as the patch itself. I think it is somewhere between exporting it from max to CXL exporter, and then to file.
    Either way, I will find it, if it kills me. LOL :dmc8:
  17. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Checked all textures, removed the lighting texture on channel 2, deleted the individual material balls and reassigned the material to lods 1,2 and 3 to have only one material ball, plus the one for L4, renamed the max file to b_trs_firtmod01_t3, Re-eported everything for new .layout file and .sgbin file, re-wrote the class file, compressed to .pack, and we are back to the beginning.

    Going in to test, cross your fingers!!!! :b11:
  18. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Well here's what I got this time;

    cxl_screenshot_test town three_0.jpg

    Called a New York ?? Residential building.

    I will give it one more try, then it all get trashed!!
  19. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    OK I give up. I tried it in 2011, Platinum, and XXL. It don't work. I tried to use multiple .class files for templates, that didn't work. I tried to use the exact class file the model came from, that didn't even work, I checked with the textures, I triple checked the model, names, location 0,0,0, That didn't work, I tried adding the names to the class file in upper case, lower case, firt letter upper case, that didn't work.

    I am inclined to believe that most of this is based on luck! If you are lucky enough to run across a .class file that you can possibly use for a template, one that will not conflict with the model your building. Otherwise, the only way to do this, is to find a building that already exists, and build it, or one just like it, then use it's .class file. But then again, It may not work either, since the name is different from the original for that class file.

    If it were as easy as using existing class files for templates, someone would have already grabbed the files for roads, recreated them as railway tracks, through simply using opacity maps to hide everything but the rails, then simply add trains in the same manner you would the cars. Same would work for the subway train.

    But again, I feel this is based 50% on luck 25% on skill and 25% on simply not having anything better to do with your time.

    Can you feel my stress?!

    I would like to thank Mr.X² and nicko2u for all their hard work with the tutorials, and all the help they have given me over the past week. I'll tell you gentlemen, if not for the 2 of you, there would most likely be no XL nation!! And when it comes to mods, without them, the game will never expand to greatness. We will simply pay for simple updates, as we did for Cities XXL, to keep Focus Home Interactive in business.

    So, thank you again for all your work, and all you bring to the
    game simply to try and help others enjoy themselves.

    Boy am I bent!!! :confused:
  20. Merrilkl Maddox

    Merrilkl Maddox Executive

    Nov 19, 2014
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    OK, Had to step away for a minute, Came back , loaded Tran XLN_Mr.X2_NoerdlingenBahnhof_V1.2.patch mall by itself.
    The fallowing is a picture of the train station: not mine, Mr.X2's.

    Now keep in mind, this is on a windows 8 system, I am trying to load my Cities XL Platinum on my 7 system now. I will see what happens. There is a chance that that mod is not compatible with windows 8. It's not likely, but a chance. otherwise, there is something wrong with the patch itself.

    I will let you all know what happens.

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