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Cities Xxl Gameplay Videos

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Fisher92, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    I don't understand why the only gameplay footage available in english was made by someone who don't know the game.
    A more experienced player would surely provide a much more helpfull insight.

    Didn't watch all 3 hours, but this did not make me want to buy the game. There's so many concepts behind this game and many of the important questions are still to be answered.

    That view options thing was ridiculous!
    It's just in front of your eyes, man!!...i kept screaming...
    msFiorentina and Thrangar like this.
  2. MuxLee

    MuxLee Executive

    Aug 25, 2014
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    I would like to see how it works with large cities 5 mil or more citizens
  3. CraCkeR JaCk

    CraCkeR JaCk Elite

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Just went to steam and they had 69 negative reviews and 13 good one's Looks like Focus did the expected.:beer:Time to get smashed!
  4. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Pretty much all the negative reviews are made by morons who have not played XXL. I see XXL as a huge improvement to XL and it handles a large city beautifully. Add the mods from here to it and it's even better.

    So what it looks like the previous versions. Why would FHI reinvent the wheel when they have the basics all ready covered. They have worked hard (along with the beta testers) to bring the game to where is is now.

    If you think you could do better, start learning to code and release your own games.
  5. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I kinda saw that sort of reaction coming, unfortunately.

    I haven't had the time to play it myself recently, but from the time I did spend with it during the early beta phase, I thought there was noticeable improvement (graphics, performance, UI, etc.)

    The problem, and where I think most of those negative reviews are coming from, is that the improvement didn't necessarily match up to what the title "XXL" implies... but people's expectations were fairly unrealistic to begin with.

    Unrealistic expectations never leave anyone satisfied, whether you think such expectations are justified or not.

    Nonetheless, even from what I saw in the beta, this iteration is by far the biggest improvement this game's had in a long time. Focus stepped beyond its traditional roles as a publisher to actively work on developing CXXL. This indicates that FHI has proven me and many others wrong with a renewed commitment and interest in the franchise.

    So I'm feeling pretty good about the franchise right now.
    veija2 likes this.
  6. gbojanic

    gbojanic Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    Exactly! I really can't believe there is so much bad ''reviews'' after only a few hours of gameplay. Idiots!
  7. The Funky Monk

    The Funky Monk Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Yeah, they could have had an option in the menu. A lot of keyboards these days allow you to change the binding or you can get a program that does it.

    Nah man, I don't work for them. :)
  8. vallamir

    vallamir Elite

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Hi guys! Here is my videos about Cities XXL! Two of them are in english (in fact there no text just a title so it's quite easy^^).
    The first one show who the game is beautiful. Becaus, for me, it's a beautiful game. Not conviced ? So watch my video !

    The second video is about a see you can view in the latest trailer of cities xxl. It's a medieval city made one the most beautiful map ever !

    For those who speak french, i've made a gameplay video (sorry for don't making it in english but it's too diffuclt for me ...) which show all the new content added by cities XXL !

    Thanks all ! If you have any question about the game, i'm ready to answer them.
  9. Reikhardt

    Reikhardt Unskilled Worker

    Nov 16, 2014
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    I have a feeling this is my first post (sorry, long time lurker!) and hence hello to you all!

    I've waiting for some proper fans of the series to provide feedback on the technical performance of the game before I commit to buying it, but the Steam feedback is laughable. Sadly since the end of the Steam Powered User Forums, the Steam community has degenerated into a mass of idiotic children who just troll and rage ignorantly about most releases these days.
    The few people's comments I would value seem to be indicating that things are significantly better in this version so far.
    Thanks to both Skullz and Funky Monk for your early feedback, much appreciated!
    The Funky Monk likes this.
  10. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Your welcome. Also I would like to add that if any bugs or other issues appear, the FHI team are ready to help.
  11. Sabertooth

    Sabertooth Skilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    We are going to have some interesting reading in this forum for the next couple of months.:)

    I'll mention it again, boys and girls. Save your money and get yourself a powerful gaming computer with a powerful video card. It makes all the difference in the world! You will experience and enjoy Cities XL, be it 2012 or XXL, like you've never experienced it before. The scenery, the buildings, the valleys and the big mountains will jump out at you. I even noticed a big difference with my old Tomb Raider games and Lara Croft (you dirty old man!). :D

    I looked at Steam but am not sure how it really works. Do you actually have the game in your possession or are you forever at their mercy? What happens if Steam's server is down or they go out of business?
  12. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Finally some comments from experienced players! Things are looking better. Thanks guys.
    About previous mods and cities compatibility, any info on that?
    FHI announced some Monty's mods...so i still have some hope...
  13. The Funky Monk

    The Funky Monk Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    The most powerful computer on earth won't make up for those games being single core though. CXXL is smooth as and I've got the graphics turned all the way up and I experience no lag. I'm running a 2500k and 870 gpu.

    Games on steam are fine. If the servers go down you can't still play a game unless it's an online multiplayer or something. I don't think steam will ever go bankrupt, they make shit loads of money. If they did I'm sure their would have to be some way of recovering your games.
    gbojanic and snick like this.
  14. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    The understanding I have is that compatibility will come, but it will need time, and a lot of effort by modders to update class files (tags and such).

    I could be wrong about that however.
  15. gbojanic

    gbojanic Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    In time all the mods will work with XXL. At this point most of them work but you need the Community Mod - Patch (new version of UIM - that is not complete yet but lets you use a lot of the ''old'' mods). You can get it on the Steam Workshop. But be careful... some mods might not work so install them one by one to see if they work.
    snick likes this.
  16. The Funky Monk

    The Funky Monk Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Some current mods will work, most gameplay changes should be fine, I have one of the camera mods installed and it works, so you might just have to try some out.

    As for buildings, I'm not 100% sure, but most will work. I think there was something to do with custom furnature being missing but otherwise they worked. I haven't tried that part yet so it might be fixed.

    As for maps, I tried Bootleg River and that worked. I also uploaded a new map to steam and that worked fine too. I'll make a few more maps this weekend.
    gbojanic likes this.
  17. gbojanic

    gbojanic Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I've seen someone post on the Facebook page that my LowRise mods work, and they have the custom furniture... Didn't try it yet because I tried to keep the beta mod free.
  18. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Remember guys if you add mods to XXL and it breaks, don't complain to FHI. Complain here.
    gbojanic likes this.
  19. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Good news. I was also wondering about the maps. My main city is being built in one of yours (Tokyo old version) and i really would like to continue building it. But it's lagging a lot with current game version.

    Assuming that might be possible, i guess we can only load previous cities if all used mods are able to work on XXL. Also we will need an updated UIM with custom tags created by community...

    Didn't loose hope, but i'm also guessing that may take a while.
  20. Sabertooth

    Sabertooth Skilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Thanks FM.

    Re: 'Single core'. Good point.
    Re: 'Bankrupt & shit loads of money'. Like Monte Cristo.
    Re: 'Can't' . I take it you mean you CAN still play a game if the servers go down, unless it's online multiplayer. But, do you actually possess the game like my 2012 that I purchased from FHI and can install and re-install without having to go to FHI. Do you follow me?

    Did you get your 50%? I signed up with Steam, but didn't complete the purchase, because I couldn't find the 50% off section.

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