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Edzo Map, City Building Contest, Spring 2017

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Mr.X², Feb 6, 2017.

  1. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    "I will give one of my three votes to you, and you do the same for me", "c'mon, IcyHot, I know you did not participate, but you could give one of your votes for me"


  2. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    not sure about that, i think its annoying if you have to open a lot of spoilers first + without you can just load the thread, wait some minutes and then view all pictures.. with spoilers you gotta wait again after opening each spoiler..
    so i dont like that idea :p

    totally agree with that
    last contest i just ignored submitted thumbnails (since they take forever to load) :p
    but how to deal if someone doesnt follow? delete the post? ignore it? i dont know^^

    totally agree with that
    but again, how to deal with if ....?

    i dont see a reason for doing this.. u would have to scroll back to top over and over again? you could just scroll down to the next one? can u explain a little more?

    yeah :D

    nothing, go ahead!
    would be strange to disallow it wouldnt it?

    well, if someone doesnt see the fun in this competition he/she shouldnt participate. not everything (at least regarding cxl) is about winning sth^^ you wont get cash for :p

    yes, but that doesnt mean i use them :p
    and dont say "just do it then", nope...^^ (if u want an answer why search for usability)

    so all in all my personal favourite option is:
    everyone posts 10 (no mega)screenshots hosted on xln without any spoilers, thumbnails or whatever. you can write an introduction or sth but please keep it short and campaign for a city you like where/when/however you like.

    well, i dont know...
    more opinions? someone?
    skullz613, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  3. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    lol, i love that you took it point to point and commented on them. I really appreciate it. Just this.


    ( The "plz upload here in the site" can be a suggestion. . . enforcing, no , no way )


    ( Warning: trolling + self sarcasm ahead )

    after Triton's Land. . .i also wanted to suggest we introduce a new category just for me. . .

    this if for the best poem lol. . . but, yeah. . . it may be too much :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Drazicdesign likes this.
  4. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    You should be allowed to use megascreenshots, just shrink their size:
    Convert from .png to .jpg, and then use e.g. JPEG-Optimizer and set the compress factor to 35-45 for really large files.

    Edit: with this, you can have images with a size of less than 1 MB and still terrific qualitiy.
    Drazicdesign likes this.
  5. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Drazicdesign likes this.
  6. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    well yeah^^ file size is the actual point
    i correct myself: please dont post 10mb pictures

    oh and back to spoilers and overview pics:
    yeah good to have an overview, but theres a chance you will just ignore the other 9 pictures inside the spoiler?
    hm... how about that: post 10 pictures without spoilers and one of it is your overview picture. could do a special post on top where i put them all in? but hell.. same issue again^^
  7. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Maybe @skullz613 can set the size limit to 1.5-2 MB for each image, at least for the specific thread.
    Drazicdesign likes this.
  8. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    No, no, Mr.X2, i think things should be kept simple, too much comunication back and forth, people may not like their overview picture. . . less things, less weight on the admins, this is a time of transition and with a lot of things ahead. . . imho
  9. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    We could probably do it the following:

    Within the forums, let's say within the competition forum, we add another sub-forum called "Edzo Submissions", and every member needs to create a new thread with their city. And then we have a main submissions thread from which we can link to any entry. Yeah, with a hyperlink that opens a new tab. But as the new tab has only 10 images in it, it will load faster. And in the main thread, everyone can upload one preview image.

    This was, there was no scrolling back and forth needed, and once you have finished looking through one submission, you can close that tab again, go to the tab with the main submission thread open, and click on the next submission. Not sure how many people would be willing to do this. But I guess it will definitely put some order into the chaos.
  10. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    as u said, you will have the same issue again^^
  11. Drazicdesign

    Drazicdesign Ambasidor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    I see you all speak, speak, but ......
    I do not see a lot of image ......:whistle: :p

    Arrrgggg, I'm waiting for pictures, :):D
    ronrn likes this.
  12. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Hey! poke!
    i posted a pic of a crying puppy!! :b5:
    XOUSTE and Drazicdesign like this.
  13. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Well, true that. On the other hand, the risk was lower that some submissions may just not be seen. If you have like 20-25 participants, and you have 20-25 previews, then they will most likely be seen all. Of course, it demands some thinking about what picture to choose, but well, that holds for the current format as well :p
  14. Gioroman87

    Gioroman87 Elite

    Feb 3, 2016
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    thanks Kipate would love to attend. I try to hope on rhm

    Attached Files:

    kipate likes this.
  15. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    looks like youre using the wrong map :p
    kipate and Gioroman87 like this.
  16. Gioroman87

    Gioroman87 Elite

    Feb 3, 2016
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    [Quote = "Mr.X², posta: 36723, membro: 22"] si presenta come state usando la mappa sbagliata : p[/ quote]

    was a picture of my city the true'll start as soon as possible
  17. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    There's a limit to the size file you can upload to a forum (2mb) so the only thing that needs looking out for is players posting 3rd party links to oversized files.
    I'm all for cracking down on players using 3rd party image hosting as there is no need to. Some 3rd party images have overlays advertising the image host and some end up reduced in size.
    As for having one main image and the rest in spoilers, there is not much point (as mentioned by Mr.X2) as they still need to load and still effect the overall page loading time. Only upside is it can make scrolling up and down the page quicker if your wanting to choose between certain entries as the other spoilers could be closed. But as Icyhot said, go and make a cup of tea or walk the dog while waiting for the page to load :)
    Thumbnails should be discouraged as I ignore them as well.
    Mr.X² likes this.
  18. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    @skullz613, @Mr.X², so, we are fully ok with uploading here and with bandwidth needed, site traffic etc?


    If it's so, i 'll upload my next pictures / submission or competition entry here next time.

    I have already "lost" too many things going back and forth from 3rd party provider to 3rd party provider, all my journals ( all of them have almost fully been restored ) and a competition submission. To be sincere at the start i did not know that it's possible to upload here.

    Still: if someone wants the things he / she presents to stay here and be visible in the future, the pain and effort needed to restore / substitute links one, two or three years later is just too much. So considering uploading here rather than hotlinking to an external site is a good idea.
    skullz613 likes this.
  19. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Back to the competition, i am cracking my head to see what i should do with all the small islands. . . :notworthy::unsure:
  20. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    As we will be moving soon it will not be an issue. Don't think it's been an issue where we currently are. Look at the media library's here on XLN for example. All those images are here and get loaded frequently

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