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CXL Platinum Thanks For The Lesson :d

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by zenozone, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. zenozone

    zenozone Skilled Worker

    Dec 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    my cxl platinum crash each 10 15 minute.. but not regulary, only in oone city the biggest of 3 milion of inhabitant. I've win 8.1 and i installed the mall parking ... possible is that? thanks

    my LAST 10/15 line of log file

    [02:43:54] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Removing bp ldn30stmaryaxe as it is already placed
    [02:43:54] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Removing bp olympic_stadium as it is already placed
    [02:43:56] CORE Graph3D/WrapperDx9/Effect.h ( 299) Assert m_pfx->SetTechnique(hTechnique) HRESULT: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL Description: Invalid call
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error TradingLogic.SetCurrentCitySelection(SoloSaveRegion7Map8)
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Before show city select TradingLogic.CurrentCitySelection = SoloSaveRegion7Map8
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error After show city select
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Solo mode is on, city ID = SoloSaveRegion7Map8
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error MSM current ID = SoloSaveRegion7Map8
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error MSM region = 7
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error MSM map = 8
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error TradingLogic.CurrentCitySelection == SoloSaveRegion7Map8
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Getting Name for current city
    [02:44:21] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Name retrieved : ENZONIA
    [02:44:22] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Removing bp ldn30stmaryaxe as it is already placed
    [02:44:22] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Removing bp olympic_stadium as it is already placed
    [02:44:30] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Trade message box added
    [02:44:33] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error ProtoTable.Cost View/PriceType ======= &PASCHERDUTOUT
    [02:44:33] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error ProtoTable.Cost View/PriceType ======= &PASCHERDUTOUT
    [02:44:34] LIVE Live/LiveTrafic/lsnMetaBehavio ( 101) Assert lsnMetaBehaviour::s_Create : NULL lane

    and this another log one crashe before

    [02:00:56] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/monty/f_satdish04.class
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/allam/f_couch01.class
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_com_hw_parking2_t2_base.layout
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_com_hw_parking1_t2_base.layout
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/monty/f_mty_mdrnsculpture03.class
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/monty/f_granitepot.class
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/elsedai/f_parkavenuetent.class
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/elsedai/f_airco4vents.class
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/elsedai/f_airco3ventsinline.class
    [02:00:57] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/monty/f_mty_bbq01.class
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/monty/f_palletpilesbig02.class
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/decoration/furniture/monty/f_satdish02.class
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_str20x60_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_hw_carpark02_t2_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_dia20x60_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_hw_carpark01_t2_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_mall40x40_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_mall80x80_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_carpark01_t4_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_mall40x120_base.layout
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/layout/b_service/b_com_car20x40_base.layout
    [02:00:58] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error No load data for current segment (1.#INF)
    [02:00:58] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/design/buildings/industry/businessservice/b_com_hw_parking1_t2.class
    [02:00:58] LOAD aenEntityManager.cpp (1661) ErrorBuild Missing prototype file <data/design/buildings/industry/businessservice/b_com_hw_parking1_t2.class>
  2. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    If it is Supersnakes parking mod then it could be the cause. His mod works OK but if you place to many of the parking lots your game is likely to crash every 10 minutes approx.
  3. zenozone

    zenozone Skilled Worker

    Dec 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    deleted all the park... also the wharehouse truck park.. and don't stop anymore.... but remain that sometimes the screen become all black .. remain the inteface but all black screen....

    here la log

    [12:32:27] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:28] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Place :ZAC
    [12:32:31] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:31] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:31] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:31] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:33] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Place :TriZone
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error TradingLogic.SetCurrentCitySelection(SoloSaveRegion9Map41)
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Before show city select TradingLogic.CurrentCitySelection = SoloSaveRegion9Map41
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error After show city select
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Solo mode is on, city ID = SoloSaveRegion9Map41
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error MSM current ID = SoloSaveRegion9Map41
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error MSM region = 9
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error MSM map = 41
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error TradingLogic.CurrentCitySelection == SoloSaveRegion9Map41
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Getting Name for current city
    [12:32:35] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Name retrieved : PETROLIA tre stel
    [12:32:54] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:54] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:54] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:54] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [12:32:59] LANDSCAPE lndLandscape.cpp ( 254) Assert Empty picking vector
    [12:33:00] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/gfx/trees/forest/t_koreanstewartia/koreanstewartia.spt
    [12:33:00] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data/gfx/trees/forest/t_koreanstewartia/koreanstewartia.spt

    what's koreanswartia????
  4. The Funky Monk

    The Funky Monk Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
  5. zenozone

    zenozone Skilled Worker

    Dec 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    i deleted this mod
  6. Pamascus27

    Pamascus27 Mayor

    Aug 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Weird, that mod works perfectly for me. I placed a lot of Stewartia parks as well as Korean Stewartias in my cities
    and my cities work fine.
  7. The Funky Monk

    The Funky Monk Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Yeah me too Pam.
  8. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    yeah, i had this problem as well, so i made a fix for it and now its working... i think its included in brxxntrailer fix
    Edit: im talking about the tree
  9. zenozone

    zenozone Skilled Worker

    Dec 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Mr.x2? where's the fix pls?

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