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Tutorial Beginner's Guide

How to install mods

  1. kipate
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL Platinum
    Hello and welcome on board!

    Make sure you are not running the game!

    1) choose your game:
    2.1: XL (2012 and Platinum)
    2.2: XXL

    2.1: Cities XL (2012 and Platinum):
    Disk or Steam?

    2.1.1: Disk: If you used the standard path for the installation, then go to C:\Program Files\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012 (Platinum). If you did not use the standard path, but if you have a shortcut for the game on the desktop, then:
    - Right click on the game icon.
    - Right click on "Properties".
    - Right click on "Shortcut".
    - Click on "Open File Location / Find Location". Alternatively, you can use the search function of the start menu.

    2.1.2: Steam:
    Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XL 2012 (Platinum).

    3: Go to the Paks folder (I downloaded the game by Steam):

    4: Create a folder called "mods":

    5: IMPORTANT: Install the dependencies:

    Start with the User Interface Mod:
    Dependency - XL User Interface Mod
    - Download the ZIP-file onto your Desktop (for example).
    - Open the file and run the wizard.
    - When asked where to install the file, choose:
    a) Disk: C:\Program Files\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012 (or Platinum instead of 2012)
    b) Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XL 2012 (or Platinum instead of 2012)
    It is important not to choose your mods folder for User Interface Mod, but this is one of a few exceptions!

    - Wait for the installation to finish.

    Proceed with the Shader Pack (for players):
    Dependency - Shader Pack
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.
    - In case you forgot:
    a) Disk: C:\Program Files\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012\Paks\mods (similar for Platinum)
    b) Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XL 2012\Paks\mods (similar for Platinum)

    Proceed with the XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack:
    Dependency - XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.

    Next is the Road Shader:
    Dependency - Road Shader with Self-Illumination
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.

    Next is the Tree Bug Fix:
    Dependency - Z_Pharmist_TreeBug_Fix_v1.00
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.

    Now, we have the Tags.cfg for XL:
    Dependency - Tags.cfg for XL
    - Do NOT install put it into mods Folder, but follow the instructions!

    Now we have some optional dependencies:

    A mod that is sometimes needed is the Vehicle Pack:
    NEXL - Vehicle pack
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.

    Now, you can use the mods here :) Just always make sure to READ the instructions, then you are safe!
    Start with the German Pack for example:
    Residential - German Residential Pack (small CB version added)

    IMPORTANT: If you have Cities XL, then you cannot use mods that are only for XXL! In case you are not sure, you can ask ;)

    2.2: Cities XXL:
    Disk or Steam?

    2.2.1: Disk: If you used the standard path for the installation, then go to C:\Program Files\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XXL 2012. If you did not use the standard path, but if you have a shortcut for the game on the desktop, then:
    - Right click on the game icon.
    - Right click on "Properties".
    - Right click on "Shortcut".
    - Click on "Open File Location / Find Location". Alternatively, you can use the search function of the start menu.

    2.2.2: Steam:
    Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XXL .

    3: Go to the Paks folder (I downloaded the game by Steam):

    4: Create a folder called "mods":

    5: IMPORTANT: Install the dependencies:

    Start with the Community Mod:
    Dependency - Cities XXL Community Patch
    - Click on "Save As" and choose your mods folder as location.
    - In case you forgot:
    a) Disk: C:\Program Files\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XXL\Paks\mods
    b) Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XXL\Paks\mods

    Proceed with the XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack:
    Dependency - XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.
    This mod is actually required for XXL and XL :)

    Now, we have the Tags.cfg for XXL:
    Dependency - Tags.cfg for XXL
    - Follow the instructions!

    Now we have some optional dependencies:

    Next is the Fix for XL mods that use old shaders
    General - Fix for old mods shader crash errors (XXL)
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.
    This mod will enable you to use most (not all) XL mods in XXL, too.

    A mod that is sometimes needed is the Vehicle Pack:
    NEXL - Vehicle pack
    - Choose "Save As" and your mods folder as the location.

    Now, you can use the mods here :) Just always make sure to READ the instructions, then you are safe!
    Start with the Florence Pack for example:
    Residential - Package village of Florence - XXL -XL

    IMPORTANT: There are several Cities XL mods that also work in Cities XXL. You will mostly only need the fix for XL mods that use old shaders (see above). Sometimes, another member has tested that mod in XXL and wrote their findings in a review or on the discussion page ;)
    Also, if you have XXL, you must not have the XL User Interface Mod, and also not have the Shader Pack; these mods were made solely for CXL players!!

Пoследние рецензии

  1. mika40660
    Merci pour le tuto!!!
  2. Анонимный пользователь
    Анонимный пользователь
    thanks a lot. berguna chenggini
  3. oOBlackKnightOo
    Thank you for this tutorial
  4. Lokentaz
    Oooh! I missed this stuff! Great tuto for beginners indeed. I think @skullz613 should make a tab dedicated to this content straight in the home page of the site.
    1. kipate
      Ответ автора
      It is part of the personal message that every new member receives now ;)
  5. Stealthman31
    Thanks for this information great job in explaining download procedure this should be located with resource, mod, dependency's
  6. PaulJChris
    Very good idea. I can see this will be linked to a lot.
    1. kipate
      Ответ автора
      Hey, thank you, Paul. I rather hope that we will find a way to keep it on the front page without having to feature it once again every two months, because this way we can ensure that newbies will see it. And the veterans do not need to permalink it :D
  7. BahadirB
    Textbook of "CXL for Dummies"!! I like it : )
  8. CraCkeR JaCk
    CraCkeR JaCk
    Nice job Kip, New and old players of cities xl and xxl applaud your advise.
  9. ronrn
  10. Drazicdesign
    This tutorial provides good advice!